Military Wives Choirs
Why does the Veterans' Foundation support Military Wives Choirs?
Military Wives Choirs supports the wives of British Armed Forces servicemen. Due to the nature of military service, members of the armed forces do not tend to have settled lives. They move around to different military bases across the UK and the world. This movement is hard on the families of armed forces personnel and can be particularly hard on the wives and girlfriends.
The choirs, based in many places all over the UK and Europe, give their members a community and a support network. Bringing women together is a key ethos of the Military Wives Choirs; Stronger Together is a tagline that has been embraced by the charity as time and time again it has been proven true.
There are unique pressures faced by armed forces personnel and unique pressures that families of servicemen and women are forced to face. It can be hard for the families of serving members of the armed forces to communicate the unique issues they face to those who are not intimately familiar with military life. Spending time with people who are going through (and have been through) very similar experiences can be crucial in helping partners of serving members of the British Armed Forces cope with their personal situation.
How you can support the Veterans' Foundation
The Veterans’ Foundation has provided grants to hundreds of UK-based military charities and organisations since its inception in 2016. It is dedicated to distributing funding to where it is most effective and millions of pounds have been given to projects that have a positive impact on British veterans, and their dependents, in need.
If you’d like to become of a supporter of the Veterans’ Foundation you can do so by making a donation, by fundraising, by leaving something to Veterans' Foundation in your will or by joining the Veterans’ Lottery. Thank you.