Veterans' Foundation is committed to ethical fundraising
Our fundraising team is highly regulated and it is focused on helping to raise awareness, and funds, for those facing the challenges of mental and physical injuries, homelessness, and unemployment. There is also a need to support the children who have lost parents while serving, and a proportion of the money raised will be given to remembrance projects.
We understand that there are some people who don’t like being asked to talk about charitable work, or to donate to a project or cause, and our fundraisers are trained to respect those who would sooner not engage. At no stage does the team wish to pressure any individual and will endeavour to make members of the public feel comfortable in ending any engagement or conversation.
The Veterans’ Foundation is committed to the promotion of ethical fundraising and challenging the charitable sector to ensure best practice. To the best of our knowledge, the Veterans’ Foundation raises funds using highest professional standards and at the lowest possible prices available in Britain.
If you would like to make a complaint about your experience you can do so by mailing
Telephone Teams
Fundraising has been severely impacted during the Covid-19 pandemic. Our teams are using telephones to safely communicate with our supporters as we continue to raise funds for projects that help British veterans, and their dependents, in need.
If you receive a call from 03301344735 it will be from a representative of the Veterans’ Foundation.
Our teams work with technology that is GDPR, PCI and data protection compliant ensuring the call is secure.
On behalf of the veterans in need we assist, thank you for your support.
How to identify Veterans' Foundation Fundraisers
All of our fundraisers are identifiable by the clothes they wear and by the identity cards they carry. The Veterans’ Foundation logo will feature on their polo shirts, sweatshirts and coats and the branded lanyard will carry an ID card with full details of the charity and fundraising professionals.
We currently have a team of 20 professional fundraisers.
Where are the Veterans' Foundation Fundraisers today?
Postcode lists:

What is face-to-face fundraising?
The Veterans’ Foundation face-to-face fundraisers engage with the public and inform them of the work carried out by the Veterans’ Foundation charity on behalf of serving and former members of the British armed forces, and their dependants, who are in need.
The Veterans' Foundation raises its money through the Veterans’ Lottery, the British Armed Forces Memorial Wall, and via donations which can be bolstered by up to 25% through Gift Aid.
Since launching in July 2016, we have given millions of pounds in grants to hundreds of UK-based military charitable organisations, many of them smaller, but very worthwhile charities, which are helping members of the armed forces community.
To date, most of the VF’s fundraising communication has been online, particularly through Facebook, but there are many people who don’t use social media.
For this reason, we have appointed an experienced team of face-to-face professionals to help us reach out and explain more about our work and raise funds to bring projects to life.
Our small team is passionate about the armed forces and you may meet and interact with them at shopping malls, town centres, or they may visit your home.
Gifts in Wills