How can I fundraise?

We’ve made a few suggestions here to help you with your fundraising, please feel free to use or adapt. You are also very welcome to come up with completely fresh ideas that appeal to you. We support and welcome all your efforts - and please know that every pound you raise really counts. Thank you!

The Veterans' Cake Bake

Simple but always popular - use your Mary Berry baking skills to make cakes/biscuits/pastries and offer them for sale to friends, family or workmates. You could hold a bake sale or set up a stall, either on your own or at an event. There are few people who can resist a cake, especially when enjoying a sweet treat also helps a good cause. There are literally millions of recipes on-line to cater for every type of taste - we’d love to hear what has worked for you. Cupcakes work well as nearly everyone can afford one and they can help stretch your ingredients a bit further.

If you’d like Veterans' Foundation posters to publicise your event we’ve created a downloadable version.

Don’t forget, if you’d like to encourage people to support you and tell them a bit more about the work the Veterans' Foundation does, we’ve created a neat A5 handout here

Pedal For Veterans

Get on your bike and pedal for Veterans in need - every mile you ride will help change a life. You could create a sponsored ride either solo, with a group of friends or as part of a club. Always remember to plan a route that is cycle-safe and make sure that everyone taking part follows the rules of the road and cycle safety.

Or maybe you have a static bike and a team of people willing to pedal ‘on the spot’ towards a target - maybe 1000 miles or even more, with each mile raising sponsorship money that helps change a Veteran’s life.

We have created a downloadable sponsorship form for you/your team to use here and a poster to publicise your event. 

The Veteran's Quiz

We’re a nation of quizzers. Testing your general knowledge is a great way of challenging yourself (and others), having fun and of course raising much needed funds for veterans.
We’ve created the brand new Veteran’s Quiz for you. It’s aimed at a wide age group and we have created 10 rounds, covering 100 questions.

Simply download the quiz today and you’ll find topics from history and sport to TV and film. Every round also features a special armed forces-based question to test your military knowledge.

We’d love you to organise a Veteran’s Quiz with your family and friends – your quizzing will help vulnerable Veterans and members of our amazing Armed Forces community who are in the greatest need.

All you need to do is decide on the size of the teams you’ll invite to take part and how much you will charge each team to enter. Print the quiz questions here and then email and request your answer sheet (with quiz questions pdf)

Veteran's Sponsored Walk/Runs

How far will you walk or run to help Veterans in need?

Some adventurers have walked or jogged the length of Britain to help heroes whilst other fundraisers take a stroll enjoying nature and the countryside with friends. Remember, it’s good to walk, it’s good to talk, and training for a sponsored run is a great way to get motivated to exercise.

Whatever route you take, whether it’s a serious record-breaking bid, a welly-wearing hike, or even a whacky excursion in fancy dress, the funds you raise will go directly to funding life-changing projects for British Veterans in need.

Download your sponsorship form here

Victory Dog Walks

You and your dog are a team that can help Veterans win through!

The battle isn’t over for many Veterans when they leave military service. Wounds, disabilities and mental scars can present an on-going fight.

We help them win that fight and emerge victorious into a new life through the expert support and therapy provided by the charities we fund. For many of those in need, specially trained dogs play a crucial role, providing practical support and the therapeutic touch only a pooch can provide.

We’re inviting you and your dog (and your doggy friends) to organise Victory Dog Walks to celebrate the role our canine friends play in supporting our Armed Forces and of course to raise funds.

Download your Victory Dog Walk sponsorship form here

Download a poster to publicise your event here

How to run a Victory Dog Walk:

You can hold a Victory Dog Walk by yourself, or better still encourage a few of your dog-loving friends to join you. Choose a distance and route of your choice for the Victory Dog Walk and encourage people to sponsor you and your dog.

Sponsorship forms are available to print here or you could use JustGiving as a way of raising funds and awareness. Register: Send an email with the subject line Victory Dog Walk to to register your Victory Dog Walk.


Villages for Veterans

Could your village get together once a year to honour and support Veterans?

VE Day 2020 during the coronavirus crisis brought out the best of British support for the bravery and dedication of our Armed Forces past and present.

All over the UK villages, estates and individual streets recreated the jubilation of the original VE day, making bunting, sharing cakes and bonding as communities in memory of the best in our nation.

That got us thinking - imagine if every village in Great Britain captured that spirit just once each year and raised some money for Veterans in need...

As well as creating a great opportunity for communities to bond and pull together, the money raised would mean fewer homeless Veterans on the streets, at risk of suicide and in poverty.

Could you support us to make this idea a reality and make your village a village with a big heart? Perhaps you could contact your Parish Council and suggest that they hold a fete, party, or fun event for Veterans in need.

Or maybe this is something you and a creative committee of friends could organise yourselves?

A great way to start is to contact your parish council or any other village clubs or groups.

Mail us at if you need any help with your Villages for Veterans idea.

Don’t forget, if you’d like to encourage people to support you and tell them a bit more about the work the Veterans' Foundation does, we’ve created a neat A5 handout.