Who are the Trustees of the Veterans' Foundation?
Trustees of the Veterans’ Foundation are appointed by the unanimous agreement of other trustees, based on suitability and experience. Up to 12 trustees may be appointed. Trustees are appointed for a three year period, which can be extended by a further three years by a majority vote of the trustees. The Chair is expected to ensure all trustees contribute effectively; the Chair will carry out an informal appraisal. The current trustees of the Veterans’ Foundation are as follows:

Peter Mountford is a successful financier, chairman, and active investor. During his career, he has invested in and sat on the Board of many businesses, including three of the most successful businesses floated on the London Stock Exchange. He is currently the Chair of Heropreneurs, the only UK charity that specialises in helping military Veterans create their own businesses.

Simon is an entrepreneur, investor and accountant who started his first business, an accountancy practice, having completed his Regular service in the British Army. He has held a number of senior appointments within both Public and Private companies, both in the UK and overseas and across a broad range of sectors. He served on the Governing Council of his professional body for a number of years and currently has a variety of active investments.
He has served as a Reservist and is currently an Honorary Colonel in the Army Cadet Force, a Trustee of Heropreneurs and Ambassador to Hull 4 Heroes as well as providing support to a number of other organisations supporting the Armed Forces Community.
I have been in awe at the impact that the Veterans Foundation has, and continues to have, on the veteran’s community for some time. The number of charities and other organisations it supports is phenomenal, and the scope of the activities which that support facilitates, and sheer number of individuals that ultimately benefit is a truly inspiring achievement. I am humbled at being given the opportunity to help in some small way.

Andrew is a Chairman and investor in many European technology companies. Following seven years with the Parachute Regiment, he had a successful thirty-year career as a founder/CEO, building multiple software companies in UK, US & Europe. With all that experience in leadership, strategy, capital raising, M&A & commercialising technology, he now helps investors and founders, including veterans, to realise the potential of their technology ventures.

Maggie is a HR professional and worked in the retail and financial sectors before setting up her own consultancy business over 20 years ago. She has worked with commercial companies including BP, AXA Financial Services, Prudential, Siemens and Hays, as well as not for profit organisations including Viridian Housing Association, St Johns Bath and Livability, a disability charity.
She has a wealth of experience as a trustee and board member. Maggie spent the last four and half years as the Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Military Wives Choirs. She served on the board of the Army Families Federation (AFF) for 12 years as a trustee and Chair. She is a trustee for the Army Widows Association (AWA), the Peter Cowley African Trust (PCAT), and served as a lay member of the Grants Committee for ABF, The Soldiers’ Charity, for six years.
Maggie was an Army wife for over 30 years, accompanying her husband on various postings, including tours in Germany and Scotland. As a military wife, she understands the many challenges and joys of being part of a Forces family and the importance of those military charities and individuals who provide support and friendship to our veterans. She was awarded “Family Volunteer of the Year” in 2022 in recognition of over 30 years of volunteering.

Nicky Murdoch enjoyed a 30 year career in the Army where she served in a variety of appointments ranging from specialist intelligence in Northern Ireland to military music. She was CEO at the St John and Red Cross Defence Medical Welfare Service for 7 years which brought her in to contact with patients and their families from across the Armed Forces Community. This job was excellent preparation for Chairing the Public and Patient Voice Group in the NHS England Armed Forces Healthcare Commissioning team. In this role her group represents the needs and challenges of the serving, reserves, veterans and their families when services are being designed. Nicky is also a member of the Veterans Advisory Board and was on the Advisory Board for the Independent Review of the LGBT Veterans. She is an experienced Non Executive Director and Chair of not for profit and charities.

Guy Cartwright is a Chartered Accountant who is currently the Bursar and Clerk to the Court of Directors at the Edinburgh Academy. Guy served for 18 years in the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. On leaving the army Guy trained as a CA with PWC in Edinburgh for four years before taking up his current post. Guy is has also been Treasurer and a Director on the Board of the Scottish Council of Independent Schools.
Terms of Reference for Veterans' Foundation Trustee’ Meetings
Trustees meet once every three to four months. Their task is to ensure the Veterans’ Foundation is run correctly, following guidance from bodies such as the Charity Commission, OSCR, the Gambling Commission, the Fundraising Regulator and Cobseo. The Veterans’ Foundation follows the Government guidance for trustees.
Veterans' Foundation Trustees’ Job Description
From time to time we shall advertise for trustees here but currently there are no vacancies.
Nevertheless, if you are interested and want to register your name, please contact the CEO through the email address enquiries@veteransfoundation.org.uk and attach your biography or CV.
The generic job description for our trustees is shown here.
Code of Conduct
Trustees act according to the following code of conduct, agreeing to uphold the following principles throughout their work:
- Beneficiaries first
- Integrity
- Openness
These principles are woven into strategies, policies and procedures to uphold the fundamental values of the Veterans’ Foundation, but also to set the stage for long-term success.
Conflict of Interest
Trustees have a legal duty to act in the Veterans’ Foundation’s best interests when making decisions. If there’s a decision to be made where a trustee has a personal or other interest, this is a conflict of interest and the trustee won’t be able to comply with their duty. Therefore we have instigated a policy that follows a three step approach (identify, prevent, record) to tackle a situation meeting this criteria should one arise. A Register of Interests for trustees is maintained.
Gifts & Hospitality
Trustees and members of staff should not use their official position to receive, agree to accept or attempt to obtain any payment or other consideration for doing, or not doing, anything or showing favour, or disfavour, to any person. They should not receive benefits of any kind from a third party which might reasonably be seen to compromise their personal judgement and integrity.
The Board of Trustees comprises up to 12 trustees. Three trustees make a quorum. Board members can participate by social media / remote communications, such as via telephone or Skype. Board meetings are called every three to four months. A Chairman and Vice-Chair have been appointed; currently, these are Peter Mountford and Richard Farndale respectively.
Terms of Reference
The terms of reference for the Board of Trustees are as follows.
The Board of Trustees is to:
- Meet 3-4 times a year routinely and extraordinarily when needed
- Review the performance of the VF since the last meeting
- Review the performance of partner organisations, including contractors, since the last meeting
- Review income and expenditure, ensuring that there are sufficient funds to carry out the objects of the VF
- Allocate surplus funds to suitable beneficiary charities and charitable organisations
- Make decisions to improve the performance of the VF
- Review issues concerning the members of staff to ensure they are being managed effectively
- Review the risk register at least once a year but to consider new risks every meeting if there are any
CEOs Objectives
The CEO's objectives are as follows:
- Prepare a strategic plan and annual budget for approval by the Board of Trustees
- Operate within the annual budget and ensure policies are up-to-date
- Recruit and lead the management team
- Build relationships with politicians, the media and government officials and whoever else is needed in order to advance the VF’s aims
- Establish and monitor key indicators of the VF’s impact and financial health
- Represent the VF at external events and publicity opportunities
- Maintain an awareness of risks and changes in the external environment that affect the VF
- Build an effective working relationship with the Chair of the trustees
- Supply relevant reports to the trustee board and attend trustee and sub-committee meetings
- Ensure the VF’s staff is focused on achieving its mission and aims
- Ensure that the VF fulfils its legal, statutory and regulatory responsibilities
- Encourage and staff applications from likely grantees
- Conduct due diligence on potential grantees
- Establish mechanisms for listening to the views of beneficiaries of the VF
- Deliver the VF's business plan
- Help to ensure a sustainable income for donations from individual, corporate, legacy and trust donations
- Represent the VF to the media and give interviews
Strategic Business Plan
The VF's strategic business plan is to deliver the VF’s objects while there is the need.
Budget Forecast
A budget and cashflow spreadsheet will be considered by the trustees at each routine trustees' meeting.
Annual Plan
A rolling annual plan will be produced by the CEO under trustees' direction.
Risk Register
A risk register will be maintained and reviewed every quarter by the CEO. The risk register will be considered at least once a year by trustees and they are to consider new risks every meeting, if there are any.
Joint Working
By necessity, the VF will work with many other organisations. Where sensible, SLAs and contracts, or similar, will be established.
Trustees will oversee remuneration of staff, applying the remuneration policy. The trustees will award an annual rise in salaries according to the CPI as long as it is affordable. A bonus will only be awarded in exceptional circumstances.
The VF applies the policies contained in such policy documents as the following:
- Grant-making
- Fundraising
- Data Protection
- Compliments and Complaints
- Reserve
- Conflict of interest
- Expenses
- Privacy
- Risk Management
- Volunteering
- Safeguarding
- Remuneration