Help 4 Homeless Veterans
Why does the Veterans' Foundation support Help 4 Homeless Veterans?
Help 4 Homeless Veterans exists to help veterans who find themselves homeless or living in poor conditions to find suitable accommodation. Operating from Yorkshire and chiefly centred on the North of England, the charity can offer veterans places to stay whilst they get back on their feet.
Help 4 Homeless Veterans pride themselves on being able to react quickly. If a veteran is in a bad situation, once they are in contact with the charity they will find themselves in capable hands. No matter how severe the situation, Help 4 Homeless Veterans have been and continue to be a much-needed lifeline for veterans in need.
Since the charity was founded in 2012 by former Royal Green Jacket, Tom Wood, it has helped almost 500 veterans with their housing problems, from talking to private landlords or liaising with local authorities. Veterans are regularly taken off the street and put into B&B accommodation as a stop-gap before more permanent solutions can be found. It has even provided food parcels to those veterans most in need.
Based in South Yorkshire, Help 4 Homeless Veterans especially prides itself with the speed it is able to help – either directly or indirectly - someone who contacts them. Even if the charity is not able to find immediate accommodation, those in need are referred to other organisations, including the Veterans Gateway. No-one who approaches Help 4 Homeless Veterans is ignored.
Assistance is also provided to the ‘unseen’ homeless, those veterans who end up sofa surfing on friends’ couches or sleeping in cars.
HFHV understands that homelessness amongst veterans often has its roots in complex issues. Mental health issues from their time in service can often see veterans kicked out of their partner’s house and then on to exhausting his friends’ sofas. When they make contact with a veteran who needs help, they don’t simply put them in a house, they offer continuing support to ensure each veteran is given the best chance at recovering and successfully transitioning into the greater society. From practical help finding work, or applying for benefits, to simply being there as someone to talk to, H4HV make a strong effort to help every veteran they can.
Over 10 years Help 4 Homeless Veterans has helped over 500 veterans find suitable housing.
How you can support the Veterans' Foundation
The Veterans’ Foundation has provided grants to hundreds of UK-based military charities and organisations since its inception in 2016. It is dedicated to distributing funding to where it is most effective and millions of pounds have been given to projects that have a positive impact on British veterans, and their dependents, in need.
If you’d like to become of a supporter of the Veterans’ Foundation you can do so by making a donation, by fundraising, by leaving something to Veterans' Foundation in your will or by joining the Veterans’ Lottery. Thank you.